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Specialty - Succulents, Houseplants, Tropicals, Seasonal Items
Check out our huge variety of succulents! Succulents are low-maintenance plants that can be used indoor or out.
We have everything you need to spruce up your house! Wandering jew, peperomia, snake plants, cyclamen, violets, and many more are available.
We have a huge selection of tropical plants to add to your annual gardens!
Seasonal Items
Your seasonal plant needs are here at Bogie Lake Greenhouse! Please call for updated availability.
In early spring, we offer pansies, kale, Easter lilies, potted bulbs and ornamentals.
In the fall, we have mums, pansies, and ornamental kale.
We also grow all of our own poinsettias for the winter holiday season and offer evergreen decorations, garland, memorial blankets and wreaths.
We are closed January and February.
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